si queremos podemos

Foundation for young people participated chapadmalal of the 8th edition of the national week for the rights of youth, which this year brought together more than 1200 young people from across the country to exchange experiences and reflect on the rights of young people under the slogan "I like be actor".

For three days the meeting offered different spaces of debate that is articulated to foster the participation of young people in the formulation of proposals that guarantee the fulfillment of their rights. The last day the boys were able to share their proposals with public officials who, like all the years, joined the meeting to hear the views of young people, answer their questions and incorporate your look in the design of policies that promote the expansion of their rights.

This year, the political round counted with the presence of the Minister of defence of the nation, Agustín Rossi, the incumbent Secretary of the Sedronar, Juan Carlos Molina and employment Undersecretary, Federico Ludueña, in addition to trade and related social and political leaders.

"The main thing is to youngsters who are participating in the week to make a space of each workshop to reflect on the context that surrounds them and manifest themselves as social subjects," said Marcelo Koyra, Executive Director of our Organization, which encourages the development of the week from the first year.

Our career training and job placement, Foundation to create more we once had a strong participation in the space of debate on "Youth and work", coordinating this time the workshop of "Entrepreneurship" and facilitating young people to know an alternative to generate their own income through the production of a productive project.

"The Youth week also offers different artistic activities that promote reflection and collective action of young people who participate. " The artistic proposals looking for boys to incorporate a creative way of communicating the discussions and proposals of the youth around the construction of a collective project"explains Marcelo.

One of the attractions of this year was given by the artistic proposal that we Chapadmalal to make a mural at the courtyard of the venue, where many boys joined to participate. There young people, through drawings and phrases, translated the message "If we want to, we can" that summarizes the discussed in workshop of "Undertakings" in relation to the benefits of the Social economy and solidarity to generate a form of self-employment that allows them to enjoy them that each one can do.

"The artistic workshop are designed as a space in which young intended for your free time, encouraging the promotion of values such as solidarity, community work, recognition of the other and respect" explained Marcelo Koyra and added that "to create we understood that art is an essential tool for targeting young people and make them feel identified and that they can reflect on their situation empowering of a rights perspective.