entrega de diplomas

Day jueves13 of November were in Florencio Varela, on the spot where became the awarding of diplomas to more than 200 youths who participated in the CBerna integration to work (CIT) and the workshops of vocational training that encourages the Ministry of labour, employment and Social security of the nation.

With the presence of the Minister of labour of the nation, Carlos Tomada, and the Mayor, Julio Pereyra, beneficiaries the programme "Young people with more and better work" andl program PROG. R.ES.AR. passing by different instances of training and labour insertion which we implemented from creating Foundation in coordination with the local employment office received their graduation certificates.

In this way, joining the more than 1800 young people aged 18 to 24 who this year has already been trained and continue participating in programs that allow them to finish his schooling, courses of professional training and qualifying practices in work environments, initiate an independent productive entrepreneurship or inserted into a registered employment.

Also, during the ceremony he signed an agreement of collaboration with the Observatory of labour qualifications (OCAL) to carry out a monitoring of production and employment in the municipalities of FlorencioVarela, Berazategui, Quilmes, Pte. Perón, San Vicente and Alte. Brown, who will allow us to identify the main demands of the labour market and articulate them with the processes of inclusion of young people.

The event was held in the Sports Center "La Patriada", of the Santa Rosa district, and were with us accompanying the young agresados the Pte. Confederation General Corporate Republic Argentina (CGER), Marcelo Fernández; the  S employment of the nation, Lic. Matías Barroetaveña; ecretario the Training director of CGER, Siro William; and Pte. Southern Regional CGER, Facundo Galdós, among other officials and representatives of the region training centres.